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Orca Van Loon (Germany) Blog: CSR communication & social media: dream team or risk?

On average, people spend about 3.7 hours a day on their smartphones (FAZ. 2020). A life without social media has become seemingly impossible for many – in Germany, the number of active social media users is around 66 million. That is equivalent to almost four out of five Germans (WiWo, 2021). The influence of social media on our daily lives is more noticeable than ever before and we are experiencing a continuous change in the way we communicate. This also affects companies and their relationships with their stakeholders. CSR communication, short for “Corporate Social Responsibility”, is under particular scrutiny. Companies must manage to meet the requirements and expectations of employees, customers, the media and other stakeholders at the same time. In doing so, they must not only demonstrate transparency and integrity, but also communicate and verify their measures appropriately and credibly. Especially on fast-moving and popular social media channels, wrong behaviour can otherwise quickly lead to loss of reputation This includes, for example, greenwashing or whitewashing in the sense of embellishment. By Anabel von Hein.

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