Ripley PR

Launched in 2013, Ripley PR provides strategic communications services, including media relations, crisis management and content/social media strategies to companies in the home service and skilled trades, franchise, manufacturing and B2B tech industries. With the goal of increasing positive brand awareness and recognition, Ripley PR has helped national and international organizations improve visibility in their industries and target markets by developing public relations strategies tailored to their individual needs and goals. In 2018, Ripley PR expanded by launching a separate PR division, Orange Orchard, which focuses on environmentally friendly, eco-conscious, animal welfare, and plant-based/vegan businesses and nonprofit foundations that aim to change the world.

Based in Maryville, Tennessee, the Ripley PR team of public relations experts includes former journalists, editors, producers, advertising and nonprofit leaders. Each one of their members is passionate about providing world-class service to their growing roster of clients and dedicates themselves to providing impactful results that help elevate their clients’ brands.

Today, Ripley PR is recognized as one of the best PR agencies in the U.S. In 2021, the agency was named one of America’s Best PR Agencies by Forbes. Ripley PR has also been named to the Top Franchise Suppliers list by Entrepreneur six years in a row, ranking No. 6 in 2023.


B2B | Charity & not-for-profit | Construction | Consumer | Corporate | Corporate & professional | Crisis Communication | Cyber risk | Destinations | Education | Enterprise | Environment | Environment & Energy | Financial | Industry & trade associations | IPOs | Manufacturing | Products & services | Strategic positioning | Sustainable energy | Technology | Travel, Tourism & Hospitality


Informazioni di contatto

357 Ellis Avenue, Maryville, TN 37804
Tel: +1 865 977 1973

Media sociali

Ripley PR

Launched in 2013, Ripley PR provides strategic communications services, including media relations, crisis management and content/social media strategies to companies in the home service and skilled trades, franchise, manufacturing and B2B tech industries. With the goal of increasing positive brand awareness and recognition, Ripley PR has helped national and international organizations improve visibility in their industries and target markets by developing public relations strategies tailored to their individual needs and goals. In 2018, Ripley PR expanded by launching a separate PR division, Orange Orchard, which focuses on environmentally friendly, eco-conscious, animal welfare, and plant-based/vegan businesses and nonprofit foundations that aim to change the world.

Based in Maryville, Tennessee, the Ripley PR team of public relations experts includes former journalists, editors, producers, advertising and nonprofit leaders. Each one of their members is passionate about providing world-class service to their growing roster of clients and dedicates themselves to providing impactful results that help elevate their clients’ brands.

Today, Ripley PR is recognized as one of the best PR agencies in the U.S. In 2021, the agency was named one of America’s Best PR Agencies by Forbes. Ripley PR has also been named to the Top Franchise Suppliers list by Entrepreneur six years in a row, ranking No. 6 in 2023.


B2B | Charity & not-for-profit | Construction | Consumer | Corporate | Corporate & professional | Crisis Communication | Cyber risk | Destinations | Education | Enterprise | Environment | Environment & Energy | Financial | Industry & trade associations | IPOs | Manufacturing | Products & services | Strategic positioning | Sustainable energy | Technology | Travel, Tourism & Hospitality


Informazioni di contatto

357 Ellis Avenue, Maryville, TN 37804

Media sociali

Il nostro team

Heather Ripley, Fondatore e CEO

Grazie a questa rara combinazione di creatività e pensiero analitico, la CEO e fondatrice Heather Ripley è esperta in vendite, contabilità aziendale, marketing strategico, relazioni pubbliche e pianificazione ed esecuzione dei social media.

Bill Mattern, presidente e direttore finanziario

Bill è stato coach di piccole e medie imprese a livello nazionale, aiutandole a crescere attraverso lo sviluppo e l'implementazione delle migliori pratiche, l'assunzione del personale migliore, la determinazione dei prezzi e l'attuazione di strategie di marketing comprovate.